About This Software Main FeaturesCustom Formats:Create any card formats you can imagine using the Card Blueprint tools.Collection Management:Drag and drop to arrange your card collections as if they were on your table.Vector Image Gallery:Start prototyping even if you don't have the graphics with the thousands of icons in the included icon gallery.Card Editor:Edit your cards data just by clicking over the element you want to change. Full What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface.Print & Play:Get your card fronts and backs as PNG/JPG images and a ready to print PDF file, with mark cuts, full edge bleeding and up to 500 dpi. See everything as you'll get it in the realtime preview of your print sheets.. Perfect for prototyping AND final printing.Intuitive UI:Forget about clumsy UIs, start making cards in minutes and get your workflow to a new level with a modern and visual UI with Google's Material Design.Fully Documented and Supported:Check the official guides to learn everything you need to know or ask anything in the Steam community page (we usually answer within 12 hours). 7aa9394dea Title: Card CreatorGenre: Design & Illustration, UtilitiesDeveloper:PixelattoPublisher:PixelattoRelease Date: 17 Apr, 2017 Card Creator Free Download [key Serial Number] postcard creator mac. wild card creator download. card making machine ebay. easy card creator 7.20.17. free bingo card creator for teachers. card creator my little pony. emedia card designer windows 8. card creator link. business card creator linux. burn card maker windows 10. christmas card creator free. card creator machine. fut card creator for pc. fut 19 card creator download. i card creator software download. card creator pixelatto. card creator program free download. id card creator free online. card creator mac. q card creator. id card creator crack. easy card creator free download. designer card case keychain. download business card creator software. card creator best app. card id creator. business card creator ipad. id card software mac os x. easy card creator full crack. fut card creator 18 apk. fifa card creator unblocked. id card creator torrent. business card maker & creator apk pro. fifa 18 card creator download. card creator para android. trading card creator download. aadhaar card software download for pc. mtg card list creator. card creator website. license card creator A really handy and easy to use software for aspiring creators and game designers.I've been searching for such a program for years, as I am not proficient with Photoshop or any other designing programs.A thank you to the creators for the fantastic product and the amazing experience that I was granted by using it!Totally recommended for designers and tabletop enthusiasts!. It's too buggy, it keeps crashing, all that jazz. I actually trusted this app! I guess I regret ever paying for it.. The developers went to great lengths to improve this product since my original review and really went out of their way. Even seeking me out personally for suggestions. Their latest update includes the ability to edit both the front and back as well as the "undo" option I was previously upset about. Tons of icons from game-icons available as well as the ability to change the colors. Layer abilities. Finally a card editor for those of us that are not excel savvy. For the price it can't be beat. I believe there are more filters on the way.. Good program, I'd definitely recommend it. Ideal for hobbyists or anyone looking to make a prorotype suitable for testing - absolutely has the versatility to get all the info you need on the card, in whatever spot and size you need, and the cards come out looking pretty nice in my personal opinion. It may feel a little clunky and not user friendly right when you start, but just stick it out and after an hour or two you'll figure out what does what and be more comfortable. As soon as you get your card blueprint down you can start working quite fast and that's pretty gratifying.. So far it looks like it will do what I need it to. Unfortunately I can not find any instructions or a user guide to actually use it correctly. Please send me the link to the instructions or a how to video. Thank you I am giving it a thumbs up because I like what it can do but have not been able to create any of the cards successfully yet.. It's very practical for some basic uses. Definitely not for making any kind of final products - you can easily make a prototype of a working design or simplify home printing of cards for personal use. Hopefully, the devs will keep working on it.. Great Card software. Quick and simple to use, and gives me all the tools I've ever needed. Also it is easy to transfer the cards into Table Top Simulator!. I bought Card Creator about six months ago in June, and if there's one thing I could praise it for, it would be its simplicity. Card Creator did, in fact, make designing cards for my games relatively quick and painless! I did feel a little...limited, however, and that would be its downside. However, Pixelatto has been working hard to improve the versatility of Card Creator; and, in recent weeks, it has shown. When they made the initial addition of the blueprints system, I was discouraged because it looked really complicated and, above all else, they only allowed textboxes to be one line of text (unless I'm mistaken?). Every card I could think of for my games required at least more than one line of text, if not separate lines of text. But I came back just today, and I guess I was imagining things, because it's so much better now! Card Creator feels a lot more dynamic and versatile. I still honestly feel that it's a bit over-priced, but that could just be me and my sad, nonexistent income talking. Anyway, I wanted to say that, for what it's supposed to do, Card Creator does its job and does it WELL. I'm a tabletop game designer myself, and I need cards made quickly and cheaply, but nicely. I could use index cards and a pen, but I think Card Creator is the better, more professional route. Might not be as fast as writing five words on a tiny slip of paper, but the difference in quality speaks for itself! I wouldn't say that it's absolutely perfect, but I'm definitely giving it a "thumbs-up" recommendation because, how could I not? Like I said, it does its job and does it well. It's also much, much better than index cards!If nothing else, Card Creator is perfect for compatibility with another tabletop program, Tabletop Simulator, which I also have and enjoy very much. If you're an upstart game designer and you don't have the money (or maybe skills) for something like Photoshop, Card Creator is definitely for you! It certainly was a good choice for me!. Rather difficult to use, and not worth the price.. it lacks a lot, but I may repurchase it once it gets better New Update (v1.0.5): Hi, CardCreators!We have our coding hegehog team working as fatsr as possible to meet all your card creating needs. Gotta Go Fast.New in version 1.0.5. New Update (v2.0.1): Hi CardCreators!Now that we're back on track with 2.0 we'll be updating on a much more frequent basis. There's a lot of new feedback coming up already, so we want to address it as fast as possible.Here is what's new in this day 1 update:Bugfixes. New Update (2.6) - "Data Mode": Hi, CardCreators!This new update may seem light, but it includes a much requested feature: Data Mode. With this new mode, you'll be able to see and edit all your text-based fields (text, image and QRcode) way faster. You may change modes by clicking the mode button in collection screen (). New Features. New Hotfix (2.3.4): Hi CardCreators, Here's another Hotfix wich aims to fix the bug described in this discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/app/523600/discussions/0/1479856439032147301/Bugfixes. New Hotfix (2.3.3): Hi, CardCreatorsToday we bring you a new hotfix which fixes the issue reported in this discussion: http://steamcommunity.com/app/523600/discussions/0/3182216552778509736/Bugfixes. Price changes: As we approach version 2.6, we plan to raise Card Creator price to better represent all the features and work we've put into it.This kind of software is often distributed in a software-as-a-service basis, with monthly suscriptions. We don't believe that model fits Card Creator, so in order to sustain the development we need to raise the current price.Our target price for this application will be $50. We will make progressive increases on the price as we release the next updates, with the next one (2.6) being the most significant one to take into account for all the features we've already added and the ones in that version.On a side note, we now have a discord server you can use to talk with us and other Card Creator users.Join it here: https://discord.gg/PRsspcd. New Update and Hotfix (v1.0.3): Hi, you all!We are working hard to address all your feedback, bug reports and suggestions. With this patch, we are trying to help you make your cards more appealing and unique. This is the first step into something you've been asking for since the relase date of CardCreator.New in version 1.0.3Custom font field. Now you can choose a font from a curated selection to be used in your cards.Bug fixes in version 1.0.3Alpha (transparency) field fixed in ColorPicker dialog.
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